Cold Beer Token
Last updated
Last updated
Token Name: Cold Beer Token
Token Symbol: cBEER
Contract Address: 0x1e1725D9AF05bF1CB084f02DD5c0432EFfD6645A
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: 2M
Presale Hard Cap: 400K (20%)
Initial Liquidity Provision: At Most 128K (6.4%)
Reward for Farming & Referral: 1.472M (73.6%)
Farming start countdown:
Unsold tokens for presale and unused tokens for adding initial liquidity will be burnt immediately.
Automatic Burn: 6% of transfer amount will be burned immediately. (This will start at the end of pre-sale)
Initial Emission Rate: 10 cBEER/ block
Minimum Emission Rate: 1 cBEER/ block
Reduction Interval: 18 hrs
Reduction Rate: 12.5%
9.09% to the dev team to ensure essential growth of the project(We will burn 85% of this fund every 12 hrs)
We don't expect Emission Rate to drop too fast. Continued block rewards will encourage liquidity provision.
By automatically reducing the amount of cBEER generated per block, we achieved real deflation. But we don't want to do this too frequently, too fast, we still need to incentivize people to provide liquidity.
cBEER now has a 6% transfer tax in each transfer and the tax will be burned automatically. This deflationary mechanism will help us to reduce the circulating supply of cBEER which will release sell peruse a lot.
We set up the Buyback fund through pre-sale and deposit fees. But different from other projects, we will not choose to complete all the buyback at the beginning of the project, which is not conducive to the maintenance of the price. We develop a detailed guideline to help us determine the number of buybacks per time.