Burning Mechanism

Passive Transfer Tax Burning

According to our tokenomics design, each transfer must pay a 6% transfer tax. All the transfer tax will be burned (sent to the black hole address) immediately.

Black Hole Address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD

Buyback Fund

  • We plan to set up a Buyback Fund for regular buyback and burning cBEER tokens.

  • The fund consists of two sources: Initial liquidity from pre-sale & deposit fees.

  • Every time TVL increases by $5M, we will inject money into the fund.

  • Buyback happens every 12 hours and will use 7.5%-15% of the fund each time.

  • You can check the current fund balance on the homepage.

  • We will post all the buyback & burn record on the "Buyback & Burn Record".

  • Check the following chart for buyback details.

Deposit Fees

  • 4% deposit fee will be charged at staking.

  • Buyback Fund will be added every 5M TVL.

  • 35% of the deposit fee (4%) will be allocated to add into Buyback Fund.

  • 50% of the deposit fee (4%) will be allocated as a dev & emergency fund.

  • 15% of the deposit fee (4%) will be allocated for airdrop and marketing.


Last updated